Peter Ian Cummings is president of XY Foundation, and a former London, Paris, and Washington newspaper correspondent.
Peter invented and has edited XY Magazine, the US's largest print gay mens' magazine, for its entire run since 1996, setting the tone of an emerging gay youth movement and culture. A gay youth icon for several decades, he helped set up the International Gay & Lesbian Youth Organization; organized protests in London to repeal the UK's formerly discriminatory age of consent law (including the famous "Kiss-In" in Piccadilly Circus) and has written 100s of articles on sexual liberation, net neutrality, politics and society. Peter writes amicus briefs for gay men wrongly convicted, and has recently been involved in a national campaign against discriminatory admissions policies of law schools.
Peter is well-known for essays including "Why Do They Hate Us?" and "Trump Is Not 'Not Us'," and for directing most of the photos in XY and other magazines. Peter is a citizen of the US and UK, and formerly lived over a decade in London and Paris, where he was European correspondent for several publications including The Advocate and Chronicle of Higher Education, and was Washington Correspondent for the Mississippi Sun & Herald. Rumors that he was vaguely associated in the 1980s with Gai Pied Paris co-founded by structuralist philosopher Michel Foucault are true!
Peter has degrees in architecture, journalism and film. He is former editor of the Vassar Miscellany News and was elected president of New School University (which you may know as Parsons) Student Government in 2009. Peter was recently on assignment with Santa Monica NPR station KCRW, wrote for The Humanist, and has been working with The Voynich Project which translates ancient texts. In his spare time he swims daily, tries to play drums, and enjoys reading, nightclubs, and saba sushi. Peter lives in Washington DC, Palm Springs and Pasadena. Propose a project ;)